The Holidays were lovely

I know it’s been a few weeks already (wait. wat? weeks?) since the holidays but sometimes you need the holidays over to really appreciate them. My parents had a full house this year with my Grandfather, Grandma, Great Aunt, Aunt (also great, just not by family tree definition), myself, my brothers and my sister-in-law all living under one roof. I took a shower at 6:30 pm on Christmas Day just to get some alone time. And now I have post-holiday depression. I have to wait another year until I get to shamelessly take time off of work and stuff my face with food (although I am only sort of loving the extra 7 pounds I seemed to have gained in the last month – it’s okay, it’s freezing everywhere so I’m grateful for the extra layer). Just yet another reminder to value your time with loved ones and blah blah blah you know the drill.

Enough of that here are some blurry camera photos I managed to take of the debauchery (polished with a fancy app).

Oh and holy toledo can’t forget this happened! If you don’t know who Grace Helbig is go to and become a creepy obsessed fangirl like me…


Here is the post this is referring to:


My sister-in-law and I went and saw the #NoFilterShow in Seattle which featured Grace, Mamrie Hart and Hannah Hart – all super amazing funny women on YouTube. Check them out!

Yes. Bask in the beauty that is shitty lighting (is that right? “bask”? That seems wrong). And know that I will trudge my way through January with my head held high! I will buy orange juice with vitamin D (since where da fuq did the sun go?) and I will NOT fall asleep at 5 pm.

I don’t even know.

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